Saturday, April 30, 2011

Shrimp & Scallops over Couscous

I'm not going to post a picture about this meal nor am I even going to give you the recipe. I found this recipe in Taste of Home magazine (of course) and it looked SO good. Zucchini and green pepper, julienned, with tomatoes, basil, oregano----sounds great, right? My family LOVES shrimp and my husband LOVES scallops. We aren't super huge fans of plain couscous but I figured we'd be putting the dish over it, so that would add flavor. Problem #1 ensued when I opened the package of shrimp that my husband had purchased from our local deli counter. They looked like rock-hard-bodied centipedes!! I shrieked, "What is this?!" My poor husband explained that on the day of purchase, I had asked that he get two pounds of raw, medium-sized shrimp. They had one pound of what I asked for (which we used in a previous recipe) and that was it for that kind. He thought it would be okay to get a different kind of shrimp, so he got Gulf Rock Shrimp. In theory, this would have been fine. In real-life, I was creeped out by the little buggers!! I made him shell them and everything. Finally, it was time to cook the meal. I added everything as I should---first the veggies, then the spices, then the seafood---letting it all boil and simmer as it should. All of a sudden, I looked in the pot and thought to myself, "I just really don't want to eat this." (Problem #2...) Not sure if it was the combination of spices (basil, oregano, chili powder, garlic) or those shrimp that were now little and pink (but still vaguely resembled some sort of insect). I set the table for dinner. Then, I put the couscous in a serving bowl, followed by the shrimp and scallop concoction. I knew right then and there that my kids wouldn't eat any of it (no matter how much they love shrimp). My husband took a look at it, ate a shrimp and said, "Eh." I told him that I didn't blame him for not wanting to eat it since I didn't either. I ended up picking up the phone and ordering a cheese pizza from Domino's for the kids. My husband ended up deciding that the scallops were okay, so he ate just those. I felt that I couldn't let the whole meal go to waste, so I ate some couscous with veggies on top. After finishing "my" meal, I concluded that it was the recipe I didn't like but not liking the shrimp just made it unappetizing to me from the beginning. So, if you're looking for a great seafood meal, don't go looking for this one. I'll keep searching for you. :)

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