Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back At It!

Wow...I've been gone so long that Blogger changed their layout and I almost couldn't figure out how to post!! :) While I haven't been trying very many new recipes in 2012 (so far), posting the recipes I tried in 2011 and going through most of the recipes in my cupboard was definitely a success. That said, I just set another cooking goal for myself. I recently realized that I have a fully stocked pantry and chest freezer, not to mention all the canned and dry goods in my cupboards. In an event to "spring clean" our groceries, I've decided to use everything up! I will have to keep stocking up on dairy and fresh produce, of course, but I'm interested how much this will cut down on our monthly grocery bill. Not that we've been spending too much---I'm still doing a bit of couponing when I get the time and we have been eating at home more than eating out at restaurants lately---however, it would be nice to "start fresh" and have my family eat up all the food we already have!! Whether this means using recipes I already have or finding more that include the specific ingredients I want to use, I'm not sure, but here goes!!

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