Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Salmon, Green Beans, Squash...

Today, I'm not whipping up a big dinner with canned goods from my pantry.  I did find a lovely salmon fillet in my freezer last night so we'll be having that with potlatch seasoning on it, which is a favorite of ours.  I am also going to try a new green bean recipe and I'll make some mashed butternut squash with a little bit of cream, cinnamon and butter (the Land O'Lakes Cinnamon Butter works fabulous for this).  I'll be sure to post about the green beans once we try them.  I cleaned out my fridge yesterday and realized that we were out of all the yummy produce that we usually eat, so today was "stock up" day for the week.  Three stores later, we're re-charged with our fruits, veggies and dairy....not to mention some cookies and Lucky Charms that a certain four-year old talked me into.  I did get a few meat items that were on sale but I kept having to remind myself NOT to get more of the stuff that I already have (aka canned and non-perishables).  I doubt my freezer will be empty after this because I can't pass up a deal on the meat we eat all the time, however, I do think this will help me be more organized for awhile.  Thank you to my friends who ate up a whole boxful of corn dogs the other day (one item out of the freezer for now!) and thank you to my children who each ate TWO sherbet push-ups yesterday.  :)

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