Monday, July 16, 2012

A Little Lull

So...yea.  I said I would post soon and that was practically a month ago!!  I've been in "purge" mode with my house and in many ways, my life, lately (post to come on the other blog about that), so it's only fair that I be honest about this blog.  It was a passion of mine and cooking is STILL a passion of mine.  However, I just don't have the time to commit to it right now.  I look back at recipes on here all the time, so I'm going to keep it up for as long as I can (why not take up a little bit of cyber space??) and I might post here in the future.  I just wanted to let you know so you don't feel the need to take any of your precious time checking for new recipes from me.  :)  

Thanks for reading and ENJOY your life daily.  :)

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